The four fields are the context for our practices. They are an ecological and socio-political reinterpretation of teachings on the embodiment of awakening.
The Four Fields integrate ecological, psychological, meditative, and ontological practices to foster a contemplative form-of-life. Each field serves as a distinct area of inquiry and practice:
Mossrock Field: Focuses on ecological questions, emphasizing embodied practices rooted in the materiality of Earth's ecosystems and biopolitical landscapes. Â
Wildfire Field: Addresses psychological, imaginal, and visionary questions, exploring emotions, trauma, and subjectivity, aiming to transform despair into courage and open pathways to imagination and ritual. Â
Lit Ocean Field: Explores meditative questions, cultivating effortless, open awareness and the practice of non-action, providing a space for rest and reflection. Â
Space Field: Opens ontological questions of being and non-being, delving into concepts of emptiness, absence, and groundlessness, exposing the unknown. Â
These fields collectively form a contemplative ecosystem that intertwines personal and socio-political transformation, encouraging a responsive and loving engagement with the world.

A place to ask ecological questions. Embodied and emplaced practices rooted in elemental materiality, earth's living and dying skin, networks of relationships, world-ecosystems, bioremediation, and biopolitical landscapes.

A place to ask psychological and visionary questions. Healing inquiry into the felt-sense and patterns of emotion, psychology, trauma, and racialized, gendered, capitalized subjectivity. Transmuting eco-grief and apocalyptic despair into courage. Opening to dream, imagination, ritual, and vision.

A place to ask meditative questions. Effortless, open, boundless awareness. Inoperative non-action. Rest.

The silent expanse—A place to listen for questions of being and non-being. Emptiness. Absence. Darkness. Apophasis. Nihilism. Mystical philosophy. Anarchic groundlessness. The sabbath of impotentiality. The wound of total openness, the exhaustion of all.
Fieldtrips through the Fields begin by cultivating the capacity to attune to the fields. They are already fully present, saturating your being. Then we explore the fields, living through and celebrating their infinity. Eventually, we tend to recognize that we are the fields. And this can lead to spontaneous creativity and action—responding to the world, healing and hospicing, composting and disentangling, creating and destroying—the fields unfurling and undoing themselves.

Nimbleness is a comportment that is flexible, open, and responsive.
With a sense of nimbleness, we can attune to what is needed—or what would allow for appreciation—in an ongoing and open-ended flow. Rather than predetermine a path, practice, goal, or state that we think we should reach, we attune to what is happening and ask what is calling for our awareness.